Thursday 9 June 2011

That hospital exists?

I have lived in little ole' Perth for all my 18 odd years yet I had never heard of the hospital I'm now temporarily nursing at. And I kind of know why.. it's pretty dodge. Lovely and outdated with dim corridors and cramped rooms. A big change from the hospital I came from. That one is possibly Perth's biggest hospital?

Anyhoo, In just over a month I will be gracing the mountains of New Zealand, and after that, gracing the shores of Fiji. Yes, I always grace. Ha! THe opposite is true. I'm off with a friend and we will have a hoot on our tours, yes we will.

I have yet to have another patient die on the toilet seat (did I mention that was where I had the whole code blue scenario?) which is a bit of a relief!

And I have no flow in this post but I'm oddly alright with that.

Oh and my car has been fixed and polished after a slight incident with a lamp post (those things sneak out at you) which is a lovely feeling!

Also, only a year and a half til I run away to Melbourne to nurse at hopefully Australia's best neonatal nursery (more on that later).

I ought to stop writing here before this post can continue any further downhill. Soon it will be burying a hole and popping up in China. Hopefully an inkling of wit and humour will make itself known on the weekend and I can write about some totally exciting and mildly interesting occurrences in my life lately. They will no doubt be nursing related for that is my only life right now. Yes.

P.s - check the unrelated picture. Really enhances the post does it not? It is me flying a kite on a typical Perth day. Don't be jeally. Oh actually it's not tyical because I'm in a cardy..I really ought to be in a sundress.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Soup Glorious Soup.

superb squash soup with the best parmesan croutons
superb squash soup with the best parmesan croutons | Jamie Oliver Recipes (UK)

Jamie Oliver, can you ever get it wrong? Never Ever.
I have a basic repertoire of soups that I go back to every year. From the months of May to September, over half my meals are soup. What is more perfect than having a freezer full of soup to take for lunches (or dinners) at work/prac? I love soup (clearly).

ps Because it's such an interesting topic, I shall list my other favourite soups to cook. Jamie Oliver's (again) store-cupboard soup which has lentils, carrot, celery, bacon, thyme etc in it, London Peculiar pea and ham soup, Sophie Dahl's Soul Soothing Chicken Soup, and my friend's mum's minestrone.

Om nom nom!