Friday 8 July 2011

I am a sucker for any m.a.c cosmetic. I recently purchased this lovely spf 15+ tinted lip moisturiser and I am loving it! The colour is spot on and it is ever so slightly tasty on my luscious lips.

The thing that gets me is that heart breaking moment when you have to break that beautiful even surface of a new lip balm and swipe your smudgy finger through it. Ugh. Such a gross look. I suggest someone ought to get onto a solution to that. And the solution is not to get a tube of moisturiser - they're worse. I have a tendency to lose them, more so than the tubs.

And there goes for another riveting post.

On other news, four days left til I hop on a big jet plane and go visit the land of the long white cloud and well, Fiji. I don't know that Fiji has a metaphor for it? Well.. Oh and finally, bad thinking me, you know choosing a trip that will have me encounter two different climates. I can't pack a suitcase when only one season of clothes is needed, let alone two.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Dear Photograph

I"MMMM BAAAAACK. I bet cyberspace has missed me oh so dearly! Prac is over (thank god!) and I have come out the other end a lot more the wiser. And I have temporarily (hopefully) lost the ability to frame a coherent and logical sentence so apologies in advance.

Anyhoo, I've headed back to my normal paid job of showering oldies and giving them their dindins (dinner) which is a nice change..the getting paid part at least. Have I mentioned that I also work at a fertility centre too on Sundays? I work at both spectrums of life, but oddly enough, both of the products of this work seem to wear nappies. Strange how life goes in a circle. Both jobs leave me with good stories to tell (while keeping confidentiality..) and some surprising incidents.

With all this extra and much appreciated time on my hands I have been embracing my creative side and mimicking the grand idea of the blog Dear Photograph.

Dear Photograph,
Thank you verandah for giving me endless hours of fun and from protecting me from the very rare rain and the ever beating sun.

Dear Photograph,
Cheer up love! There will come a day when you don't have to wear smocked dresses and patent leather party shoes.

Dear Photograph,
Thank you dad for wheeling sally and I up to gran's in the wheelbarrow even though we probably broke your back several times over.

And they are the results! please note that I really usually wasn't that grump as in the second photo - I promise I was usually a lovely smiling child.