Monday 10 October 2011

Free Crappy Portraits

Howdy y'all! (I'm attempting new catch phrases, but this one is not working.)

Today is the day that we find out if we failed our exams from last week so understandably I am a lot little bit nervous that I'll get a call from an unknown number today. I mean I know rationally that I'll be fine, but i can't help but be a little nervous. So, understandably, I woke up feeling a little sombre. But then, when perusing my emails over my ritual bowl of weetbix in the morning, I discovered a very exciting email.

My free crappy portrait has arrived! I've heard about these portraits for a while but I finally emailed in a picture of me 5 days ago and it was here waiting for me in my inbox this morning. Hurrah! I couldn't be more happy. Haha it's freaking awesome!

So that is my amazing and fairly accurate portrait of me.

And this is the picture and info I sent in.
'This is me diving through the sky. Don't let this daredevil exterior fool you though! My heart is a gooey mess with love for my tabby cat Tiki and it's a friday night and I am sitting at home on my grandma's old chair eating chocolate with a glass of red. I am however the person who dresses up in a taco suit that I made to a friends Mexican Fiesta party. I have a whole room filled with best dress trophies (that might be a bit of an exaggeration..). 

Thank you in advance for what I hope is a mildly crappy portrait.

Love Jill! 

ps - my name is Jill and I do not have a boyfriend called Jack. Just in case you felt you needed to ask.
pps - my teeth look like stumps in this picture but it's just braces. I now have a row of pearly whites.'

My day has become infinitely better. Let's just hope I don't get a phone call from an unknown number today! And thank you to Cheryl and the team at Free Crappy Portraits.

1 comment:

  1. yay! i love yours!! that taco looks lovely on you :)
