Sunday 9 October 2011

Music Monday - Cat Stevens

I have decided that this blog needs a little more structure. I am an organisational freak and it's starting to irk me a little that my posts are willy nilly (nope? You don't use that saying?) so I hereby present Music Mondays, the super original concept of posting something music related on Mondays. Whoa! 

Do you remember/know Cat Stevens? In my family, he has been with us (or at least his music has) for so many family memories.

My first memory of him is his album, Remember Cat Stevens: The Ultimate Collection. It seemed to play and play in our blue Toyota Landcruiser as we travelled across the extent of Australia. This is a 4000km (2485 mile) journey so having some music is a pretty good idea. Our family did this trip several times and this song is one of my strongest memories. By the end of the trip I'm fairly sure we all knew every single word to every single song.

My mum also has a terrible condition whereby she is incapable of remembering which band/singer is responsible for singing a song. One of her better moments is when she was convinced that 'I am a rock' by  Simon and Garfunkel was by Cat Stevens. It took a lot of convincing aided by youtube videos to convince her otherwise.

I still have some of Dad's original records of Cat Stevens that we all enjoy listening to on my recently purchased record player from time to time.

Finally, there used to be this little greek cafe down the road from us called kafeneon. Mum, Dad and I would often go down there for a coffee, or babycino, before or after work and school. One day when we were down there, a musician wielding a guitar was singing in the corner. He started playing 'Father and Son' by Cat Stevens and I went up to him and said I loved Cat Stevens. He nearly fell off his chair when he saw that I was a six year old who knew Cat Stevens.

I love Cat Stevens and that beautiful, unique voice of his. And to end this post, I shall leave you with 'Father & Son'. Bliss.

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