Sunday 16 October 2011

Music Monday - Jack Johnson

Oh Jack Johnson, how you soothe my soul! And you are so absolutely gorgeous to look at. I've now seen him twice, and each time I failed to bring my camera along. Boo. Luckily the second time, iPhones had been invented so I could at least have some photographic evidence.

The first time I went with a bunch of friends and were so excited because we were young enough that we hadn't been to many concerts and we were still excited by the overpriced food, long toilet queues and sweaty mosh-pits. It was a magical night made better by the earth hour tribute they did complete with an acoustic set and candles. Awesome!

 Dodgy phone picture numero uno.

And the other.

The second time was thanks to some wicked good free tickets with my sister and her friends which was also an awesome time. We loitered more at the back of the pack and were able to actually semi-dance (or in my case, attempt to sway in time to the music which is the extent of my dancing abilities). Jack has an incredible talent that is better portrayed in a live setting. I would love to see him doing an acoustic set in a more intimate environment one day. I shall dream!

I tried to upload a video I took of his song 'Flake' but I am too new to Blogger to figure out how to do it properly so instead, here is a good ole' youtube clip of it.

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