Tuesday 4 October 2011

Ode to ye Converse

Firstly, I am full away that this post might make you see me as a person with an unusual foot fetish but please know that this is definitely not the case. I do not like to touch feet nor think about them too much, I will certainly not touch your feet, even if they are really cool or something. That said, it appears that I do seem to have an obsession with taking pictures of my green converse lo-top all stars. And here is an unwanted and unrequested album of me and my connies over the years.
They wait at airports with me in 2007

And in 2011

The mull over whether to skydive or not (for about 2.1 seconds) before deciding that they definitely should.

They wait patiently to get up in the plane.

They leapt through the sky and the guy taking the photos pointed at them (or possibly just us in general..). Lucky I tied them on tight because apparently people have lost shoes several times before which makes me think that next time I see a lone shoe in the street, it might just be from a poor shoeless skydiver.

They checked out the awesome mountainous surroundings.

The sister wears them too.

The skydived with me again this year. Happy to be back again!

They go canyon swinging. Even if you can't see them well..

They go hang-gliding.

And soar through the sky. This beautiful photo is taken by my sister.

They fly on helicopters onto the tops of glaciers.

They pose pretty well on the pebbly beaches.

Even when my foot got mangled from white-water rafting, the connies still fit on. Ouch!
They rode out long journeys on tour buses throughout Topdeck.

They balanced on rocks nicely.

They relaxed by the lakes of New Zealand.

They held up surprisingly well in the snow and managed to keep my tootsies warm and dry.

Yep. They are good for dancing in too.

And did I mention they are freaking great for doing awkward poses in?

Sorry for the length of this post. Thanks if you stuck it out! And this is the abridged version that had to be cut down seriously. Oh lord.


  1. I love converse! I used to have a bright yellow pair! So fun!

  2. Thanks Ariel! They have provided me with a lot of fun! Me and my friend used to swap pairs so we could have one of each..a little sad really.
